NotesHow can we deal with the consequences of rising sea levels and help societies adapt to this situation ?

Calendar 19-21 March 2025

What is a MUN ?

A MUN (or Model of United Nations) is a scholar simulation where participants have to act as delegates of the United Nations. The goal of these simulations is to teach students how the United Nations works as well as international diplomacy. In a MUN, the participants represent a country and are associated to a specific committee (as the security council or UNICEF). They debate about worldwide issues, negotiate with others, and write what is called resolutions to solve the main issue (as mentioned right below). Of course, they have to keep the stance of their assigned country.


We are proud to announce that this year will be the second edition of our MUN in Chaumont (19th-21st March 2025), but also proud to be and forever stay the first MUN of the region. Like last year, we're pleased to give you the opportunity to suggest two committees : one in French and the other in English. This event has the chance to take place in the city of Chaumont. You should visit "our page about it".

Key numbers :

160 students
5 committees
10+ nationalities

Key points :

Totes bags cousus par le vestiaire

The tote bags that you will receive are sewn by "Le Vestiaire", a social inclusion workshop in Chaumont.

Repas du Lycée Denis Diderot de Langres préparé par la section hotelière

Thursday lunch will be provided by the hotel section of the Denis Diderot highschool of Langres.

Design faits par les élèves de DNMADEs du lycée Charles de Gaulle

Every design will be done by the students of DNMADE, managed by their teacher, Miss Thoyer.

The prizes you could obtain :

Best eloquence
At a MUN, the participation of everyone is essential ! That's why we encourage you to get involved by giving an award to the three best delegates, with a few local surprises.
Best outfit
The look is also an essential part of a MUN. We decided to offer a price to the best woman and man that will impress the chairs by his and her outfit. They will both receive some surprises.
Henry LUPPI Price NEW
Henry LUPPI, teacher in the Charle de Gaulle highschool, was really invested in international projects. For that reason, we decided to dedicate him this price. This price will be given to the one that will get on with a maximum of delegates.

Our sponsors and partners for the event :

Special thanks to them !

logo of Charles de Gaulle highschool
logo of the city of Chaumont
logo of the departement of Haute-Marne
logo of the region of Grand Est
logo of E.Leclerc
logo of Le Vestiaire
logo of l'URCA
logo of l'INSE
logo of Le Crédit Agricole
logo of CANOPE
logo of Le Groupe Vitrey
logo of la MAE
logo of FDVA
logo of CIC
logo of le rectorat de Reims